Why is posture so important?
by drburt on July 31, 2010
Good posture depends upon several factors. While exercise, attitude, and practice can positively affect posture, some postural problems need more aggressive attention due to complications which can jeopardize good health and well-being.
The foundation for normal spinal posture is laid out early in life. Improper development of the spine’s normal curvature will set the stage for eventual distortions. If the base of a child’s spine is tilted incorrectly, it can wreak havoc with the structure that builds upon it.
Normally the human body attempts to maintain erect posture by balancing “back and forth” over the lower spine. If the lower vertebrae are wedged to one side it can cause the spine to compensate by bending into an abnormal curve. This condition is commonly referred to as scoliosis. The medical approach to scoliosis has been to administer braces and electrical stimuli; neither of which have proven very successful. Upon termination of such practices the abnormal curve usually returns to its initial state within five years.
Why are abnormal spinal curves unhealthy?
When vertebrae move out of their normal alignment, neurological disturbances known as subluxations can result. This condition impedes the normal transmission of mental impulses through the nerves from the brain to the body, thus inhibiting body function. Besides interfering with the innate ability of the body to heal, subluxations disturb the “righting reflex” which allows the body to adapt to abnormal equilibrium permitting the body to stand upright.
How can parents help?
As the parent of a child with poor posture and/or scoliosis, there are several things you can do to help.
First, it is crucial to keep all of your child’s corrective chiropractic appointments so that proper spinal balance may improve. Specific adjustments work not only to restore normal posture, but also to improve overall health by facilitating nerve function.
Second, avoid placing infants in a walker, jumper, or other restraining device that allows him/her to stand. An infant’s spine is not completely developed and these devices can cause permanent damage. Instead, one of the best positions for your baby is on his/her stomach. In addition to developing the muscles of the neck, this position lays ground for the proper development of the lower back’s secondary curve. Crawling also helps to develop this important curve of the spine. Exercises such as these allow for better physical growth and encourage strong spinal musculature.
Lastly, be a good role model for your child. Seek chiropractic care yourself, exhibit good posture, and exercise daily. Encourage your child to ride a bike or run and play outside instead of watching TV.
Any child suffering from poor posture and/ or scoliosis should be thoroughly analyzed for vertebral subluxations that may be causing the problem. Although this condition is difficult for both the parents and the child, continued patience seems to pay off with visible improvements in overall posture and health.
In today’s fast paced, ever-changing society, many factors or stressors are believed to contribute significantly to our most serious health problems. Individual perception of stress varies from person to person, but most often stress is related to situations in which you are forced to adapt to in a way that is difficult or unpleasant.
Many life events and the ability to cope with them are closely related to stress-related health problems. Some stressful events are the death of a loved one, alienation of affection, geographical moves, decline in self-esteem, or change in job status. Threats to marital, family or social status, to health or security may also be particularly stressful. Patterns of change, both for better or worse, can also cause stress.
Particular kinds of work seem to cause special stresses related to the nature of the work or imposed irregularities, For example, rotating shift work which disturbs the normal sleep cycle, produces chronic stress by repeatedly upsetting daily rhythms that control specific hormones and other responses. Jobs that entail little variation but close attention, such as assembly line work involving dangerous machinery, also seem particularly stressful. People in high-stress jobs often view their situation as controlling: too much to do, too little time, unstimulating and no way to escape.
Much has also been written about the role of personality and stress-related conditions, particularly heart disease. Individuals who are very tense, impatient, highly competitive and seem to be driven by time and the need to succeed (Type A persons) seem to be at a higher risk for stress-related diseases than others who are more relaxed and less competitive.
by drburt on July 31, 2010

Good posture depends upon several factors. While exercise, attitude, and practice can positively affect posture, some postural problems need more aggressive attention due to complications which can jeopardize good health and well-being.
The foundation for normal spinal posture is laid out early in life. Improper development of the spine’s normal curvature will set the stage for eventual distortions. If the base of a child’s spine is tilted incorrectly, it can wreak havoc with the structure that builds upon it.
Normally the human body attempts to maintain erect posture by balancing “back and forth” over the lower spine. If the lower vertebrae are wedged to one side it can cause the spine to compensate by bending into an abnormal curve. This condition is commonly referred to as scoliosis. The medical approach to scoliosis has been to administer braces and electrical stimuli; neither of which have proven very successful. Upon termination of such practices the abnormal curve usually returns to its initial state within five years.
Why are abnormal spinal curves unhealthy?
When vertebrae move out of their normal alignment, neurological disturbances known as subluxations can result. This condition impedes the normal transmission of mental impulses through the nerves from the brain to the body, thus inhibiting body function. Besides interfering with the innate ability of the body to heal, subluxations disturb the “righting reflex” which allows the body to adapt to abnormal equilibrium permitting the body to stand upright.
How can parents help?

As the parent of a child with poor posture and/or scoliosis, there are several things you can do to help.
First, it is crucial to keep all of your child’s corrective chiropractic appointments so that proper spinal balance may improve. Specific adjustments work not only to restore normal posture, but also to improve overall health by facilitating nerve function.
Second, avoid placing infants in a walker, jumper, or other restraining device that allows him/her to stand. An infant’s spine is not completely developed and these devices can cause permanent damage. Instead, one of the best positions for your baby is on his/her stomach. In addition to developing the muscles of the neck, this position lays ground for the proper development of the lower back’s secondary curve. Crawling also helps to develop this important curve of the spine. Exercises such as these allow for better physical growth and encourage strong spinal musculature.
Lastly, be a good role model for your child. Seek chiropractic care yourself, exhibit good posture, and exercise daily. Encourage your child to ride a bike or run and play outside instead of watching TV.
Any child suffering from poor posture and/ or scoliosis should be thoroughly analyzed for vertebral subluxations that may be causing the problem. Although this condition is difficult for both the parents and the child, continued patience seems to pay off with visible improvements in overall posture and health.

Many life events and the ability to cope with them are closely related to stress-related health problems. Some stressful events are the death of a loved one, alienation of affection, geographical moves, decline in self-esteem, or change in job status. Threats to marital, family or social status, to health or security may also be particularly stressful. Patterns of change, both for better or worse, can also cause stress.
Particular kinds of work seem to cause special stresses related to the nature of the work or imposed irregularities, For example, rotating shift work which disturbs the normal sleep cycle, produces chronic stress by repeatedly upsetting daily rhythms that control specific hormones and other responses. Jobs that entail little variation but close attention, such as assembly line work involving dangerous machinery, also seem particularly stressful. People in high-stress jobs often view their situation as controlling: too much to do, too little time, unstimulating and no way to escape.
Much has also been written about the role of personality and stress-related conditions, particularly heart disease. Individuals who are very tense, impatient, highly competitive and seem to be driven by time and the need to succeed (Type A persons) seem to be at a higher risk for stress-related diseases than others who are more relaxed and less competitive.
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